Kawaach, Uganda (Karamoja)

The first nursery in this area has its doors open, classes are being held and its farm produces millet, maize, rice, bananas, papaya, oranges, lemons, beans; with chickens, rabbits, turkeys and ducks on it.  A sceptic tank was just installed, BUT the teachers house needs finished and a road leading to the school  .

Gulu Daycare

A Daycare in Gulu, Northern Uganda begins; to be owned and managed by the "Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate Gulu". A collaborative effort with the Hilton Foundation.  And Candace (our CEO-Founder) schlepped toys, books and stuffed animals friends purchased on our Wishlist, do the same, visit: Amazon wish list

Dorothy's Wheelchair

Lotta Helping Hands till our Founder got Dorothy's legs there: her fancy schmancy new Wheelchair brought from NYC to within 6 miles of the Sudan border. She lives with a group of blind children and they all celebrate her new mobility, and their requested orange neon sunglasses, harder to find than the wheelchair:)  

Karamoja, Uganda, "Happy Cow Project"

"Happy Cow Project" can't start if Maureen's lonely; cow whisperer says she needs a friend, or her escaping to neighbors, getting in cars, knocking down Vets and tick-removers and not accepting bulls will continue. No pregnancy, no milk. Cow models are to teach youth in a cow culture how to avoid Brucellosis (disease). Donatebuy Maureen a friend!

Morulem, Uganda (Karamoja)

New toilets and showers for the staff and patients are being installed at a Leprosarium turned Health Clinic. Our Founder distracts a child from her injection for malaria.